Teen nudism beauty pageant

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Widely open to the Mediterranean Sea, the naturist village offers 2km of beaches and numerous possibilities for your stay: a wide range of accommodation, restaurants, shops, leisure equipment, marina with harbour master’s office, public services, health services… The Cap d’Agde naturist beachĪ major asset of the Cap d’Agde naturist village is the 2km long fine sandy beach, which lets you enjoy life along the shore.įor a family stay, there is supervised bathing (with 2 first aid points), leisure activities (particularly nautical ones) and 3 beaches with facilities:

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The Cap d’Agde is an important naturist site.

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The Cap d’Agde offers long, fine sandy beaches and a preserved environment…the Cap d’Agde naturist villages lets you fully enjoy it…in complete harmony with nature!

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